
Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Fire Crackers versus Everyday Pollutants!

You know why does a person start her/his own blog.. so that they can speak out what they feel on a systematic platform.

With reference to the recent ban on crackers in Delhi.. I have my bit to say - 
I have never been a fan of crackers and I am the only one in my entire maternal and paternal family and in my in-laws place who is so less fond of crackers. I usually bring a packet of Phuljhadi, Anar, Rocket and Chakri.. and I am done.
And I started this less love for crackers when we were once told in our school, about the child labourers being employed in Sivakasi - the heartland of cracker manufacturing - FOR MAKING THOSE CRACKERS! The small feeling of compassion creeped in and is there till date. But since shagun is to be done.. I do it with bare minimum crackers.

Pollution is something we need to be always concerned about 
1) Use of AC at home, schools, office buildings especially by blocking the flow of fresh air and sunlight!
2) Use of vehicles for places where you could walk down.
3) Not turning off the car engine, when the traffic signal has more than 1 minute of wait time.
4) Carefree and reckless use of disposable items (bottled water, pouch of water, aerated rink bottles, tetra packs, plastic cutlery at home and in parties) and never wondering about its proper disposal method.
5) Extensive use of plastic in our day to day lives. E.g.: Melamine, plastic containers to store food and water and cooked food.
6) Not caring about segregation of solid and liquid waste and also other different types of waste products.
7) Cigarette and pollution resulting due to it. 

Did you know 
1) Turning off the AC can help you stay away from vitamin and mineral deficiencies and also get rid off respiratory tract disorders or issues.
2) Walking to nearby places makes you more fit and saves the costly renewable source of energy as well.
3) Turning off the car engine at the traffic signal- helps in reducing the CO2 and other harmful gaseous emission from your vehicle and also save petrol/diesel.
4) The use of plastic is not fit for a healthy life whether it happes in the form of disposable items or in the form of food grade containers or melamine cutlery. It leads to various digestive tract disorders and is also a proven carcinogenic agent!
Moreover its thoughtless disposal leads to polluting of our otherwise super clean water sources (Oh that was pure sarcasm!) and is dangerous to the life of birds and animals!
5) If we talk about segragating wastes this is one thing that needs to be focussed on a lot to reduce the waste dumpyards created in every metro. We need to learn this from Germany  and Sweden. Oh but we so love the polythene that comes with our sabzi or grocery items whether we get it for free or pay for it that we rarely bother about how do we dispose it!
6) Being a diet and nutrition consultant , health is a topic which I can go on and on about... How many of us are aware of the term "passive smoking" So first we need to get rid off "Open Smoking Areas!" and give closed chambers to the portable chimneys moving around! (Sarcasm oh a big big YES!!)

If at all you have studied environment during your school days my thoughts will make sense for you, if they don't, think about it for yourself.. that - Why is the life of every living species not important for you and why is just ranting about any political party is important!!
Please start caring for your environment everyday!

YES if you feel banning crackers during one time or one day could help you......
May God bless you with - so called common sense!

And yes for those who give a damn - KARMA has its own way of paying you back ..who knows the different types of illnesses prevailing in your family or in your own body - is nature's own way of hitting back at you !


Monday, October 2, 2017

The relationship

She kept her phone aside.. thinking its so good I have someone like this to talk to.. And He thought its so good I don't need to give any explanation or reasoning to her.. It was soothing for both!

She met him during her school-days. He was quite elder to her, she knew he was good and maybe she liked him.. but being from a conservative family thinking about someone and dreaming of a having an affair was out of question. She thought being friends was the safest option.. He also liked her, but also knew that a female who is very average on looks and low on ambition can only be a good acquaintance..

He completed his post-graduation, got a job and shifted to some different city. She completed her studies and started working in the same city. She got married within a year of starting her job. They met once in a few years.. at a gathering of common friends.. 2 decades back.. being married and having a family and then getting the time to meet friends happened once in 2-3 years only.. unlike now when reunions have become an almost compulsory affair. Whenever they met it was good.. He thought "Its so nice to talk to her" and she thought "Sometimes its so simple to communicate with some people!"

After 3 bad miscarriages the doctor declared that she was not in a position to conceive and should not even try, because it would prove fatal for her. The family agreed, which also was a rarity because in middle class families, such things amount to either separation or divorce or any thing under the sun that you could imagine! But slowly things became very quiet in the otherwise cheerful household.. 

He knew all this, but never questioned her about it. He even thought of comforting her by calling her up.. but since she had maintained a distance, he thought its better not to bridge the gap and trespass in someone's personal space. Next time when they interacted after a few months it was as before, very general.

He shifted to a Metro and underwent a divorce. "Perhaps life in metro cities teaches you more about being ambitious and less about being emotional".. She thought to herself when a common friend exchanged this information. But neither did he discuss this ever with her, nor did she prefer to question him.

They kept talking to each other. One phone call a fortnight or even a month or no phone call for a long time..everything was okay. They were never judgemental about anything that the other person discussed, but yes they only talked about every other topic under the sun..except for themselves or what they were going through.. and that's what made them very comfortable.. 

At times discussing random things with random people or doing absolutely random discussions, is what makes you feel good, relaxed and yes also 'Not Guilty'

All situations are still the same.. at both ends.. or maybe changed.. but this was never ever discussed. This is what is perhaps a platonic relationship..
which in my words means No Strings Attached. Emotions neither have an age..nor a definition.. they are just emotions..Never be judgemental about them!

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Maryadapurushottam ya kuch Aur

Copied from my whatsapp.. Was sent by a friend.. Could not help sharing. Would try to find out who actually wrote this.. If you come across it first,  do let me know.
This is a poem written by Shri Rajeshwar Vashishtha Ji -

मर चुका है रावण का शरीर
स्तब्ध है सारी लंका
सुनसान है किले का परकोटा
कहीं कोई उत्साह नहीं
किसी घर में नहीं जल रहा है दिया
विभीषण के घर को छोड़ कर ।

सागर के किनारे बैठे हैं विजयी राम
विभीषण को लंका का राज्य सौंपते हुए
ताकि सुबह हो सके उनका राज्याभिषेक
बार-बार लक्ष्मण से पूछते हैं
अपने सहयोगियों की कुशल-क्षेम
चरणों के निकट बैठे हैं हनुमान !

मन में क्षुब्ध हैं लक्ष्मण
कि राम क्यों नहीं लेने जाते हैं सीता को
अशोक वाटिका से
पर कुछ कह नहीं पाते हैं ।

धीरे-धीरे सिमट जाते हैं सभी काम
हो जाता है विभीषण का राज्याभिषेक
और राम प्रवेश करते हैं लंका में
ठहरते हैं एक उच्च भवन में ।

भेजते हैं हनुमान को अशोक-वाटिका
यह समाचार देने के लिए
कि मारा गया है रावण
और अब लंकाधिपति हैं विभीषण ।

सीता सुनती हैं इस समाचार को
और रहती हैं ख़ामोश
कुछ नहीं कहती
बस निहारती है रास्ता
रावण का वध करते ही
वनवासी राम बन गए हैं सम्राट ?

लंका पहुँच कर भी भेजते हैं अपना दूत
नहीं जानना चाहते एक वर्ष कहाँ रही सीता
कैसे रही सीता ?
नयनों से बहती है अश्रुधार
जिसे समझ नहीं पाते हनुमान
कह नहीं पाते वाल्मीकि ।

राम अगर आते तो मैं उन्हें मिलवाती
इन परिचारिकाओं से
जिन्होंने मुझे भयभीत करते हुए भी
स्त्री की पूर्ण गरिमा प्रदान की
वे रावण की अनुचरी तो थीं
पर मेरे लिए माताओं के समान थीं ।

राम अगर आते तो मैं उन्हें मिलवाती
इन अशोक वृक्षों से
इन माधवी लताओं से
जिन्होंने मेरे आँसुओं को
ओस के कणों की तरह सहेजा अपने शरीर पर
पर राम तो अब राजा हैं
वह कैसे आते सीता को लेने ?

विभीषण करवाते हैं सीता का शृंगार
और पालकी में बिठा कर पहुँचाते है राम के भवन पर
पालकी में बैठे हुए सीता सोचती है
जनक ने भी तो उसे विदा किया था इसी तरह !

वहीं रोक दो पालकी,
गूँजता है राम का स्वर
सीता को पैदल चल कर आने दो मेरे समीप !
ज़मीन पर चलते हुए काँपती है भूमिसुता
क्या देखना चाहते हैं
मर्यादा पुरुषोत्तम, कारावास में रह कर
चलना भी भूल जाती हैं स्त्रियाँ ?

अपमान और उपेक्षा के बोझ से दबी सीता
भूल जाती है पति-मिलन का उत्साह
खड़ी हो जाती है किसी युद्ध-बन्दिनी की तरह !

कुठाराघात करते हैं राम ---- सीते, कौन होगा वह पुरुष
जो वर्ष भर पर-पुरुष के घर में रही स्त्री को
करेगा स्वीकार ?
मैं तुम्हें मुक्त करता हूँ, तुम चाहे जहाँ जा सकती हो ।

उसने तुम्हें अंक में भर कर उठाया
और मृत्युपर्यंत तुम्हें देख कर जीता रहा
मेरा दायित्व था तुम्हें मुक्त कराना
पर अब नहीं स्वीकार कर सकता तुम्हें पत्नी की तरह !

वाल्मीकि के नायक तो राम थे
वे क्यों लिखते सीता का रुदन
और उसकी मनोदशा ?
उन क्षणों में क्या नहीं सोचा होगा सीता ने
कि क्या यह वही पुरुष है
जिसका किया था मैंने स्वयंवर में वरण
क्या यह वही पुरुष है जिसके प्रेम में
मैं छोड़ आई थी अयोध्या का महल
और भटकी थी वन-वन !

हाँ, रावण ने उठाया था मुझे गोद में
हाँ, रावण ने किया था मुझसे प्रणय निवेदन
वह राजा था चाहता तो बलात ले जाता अपने रनिवास में
पर रावण पुरुष था,
उसने मेरे स्त्रीत्व का अपमान कभी नहीं किया
भले ही वह मर्यादा पुरुषोत्तम न कहलाए इतिहास में !

यह सब कहला नहीं सकते थे वाल्मीकि
क्योंकि उन्हें तो रामकथा ही कहनी थी !

आगे की कथा आप जानते हैं
सीता ने अग्नि-परीक्षा दी
कवि को कथा समेटने की जल्दी थी
राम, सीता और लक्ष्मण अयोध्या लौट आए
नगरवासियों ने दीपावली मनाई
जिसमें शहर के धोबी शामिल नहीं हुए ।

आज इस दशहरे की रात
मैं उदास हूँ उस रावण के लिए
जिसकी मर्यादा
किसी मर्यादा पुरुषोत्तम से कम नहीं थी ।

मैं उदास हूँ कवि वाल्मीकि के लिए
जो राम के समक्ष सीता के भाव लिख न सके ।

आज इस दशहरे की रात
मैं उदास हूँ स्त्री अस्मिता के लिए
उसकी शाश्वत प्रतीक जानकी के लिए !
मैंने हर वर्ष, महसूस किया है,
उस जलते हुए रावण का दुःख,

जो सामने खड़ी भीड़ से,
नतमस्तक होकर,
बार -बार पूछ रहा था,

"तुम में से कोई राम है क्या?"

The borrowed money

"Wow, I am finally here" were her words , when her father dropped her to the hostel with her necessary belongings and she turned back to go to her room. It was a mixed feeling .. happiness because she was in the city of her dreams . Mumbai.. sadness because now Papa Mamma would not be there..
But she was willing to take up the challenge.. the challenge of staying in a hostel and managing in a new city, all on her own. 

"What fun is life, if there are no challenges!" She asked to herself.

It was her first job. She used to leave the hostel by 5:30 am, board the bus, get down at her stop, take a rickshaw and reach the hospital. The bus conductor and the rickshaw driver had become pretty common faces and were the same everyday.

She met new faces everyday at the bus-stop. Gradually they started exchanging smiles, she really liked a lady with a pleasant face, because her smile was very energetic! Since they stayed in the same locality, they met at the vegetable & fruit market also. 

This story dates back to 2005.. when cards were not very frequently used. One night, she counted the money left with her and kept the wallet in the cupboard. Next morning she left in a hurry to catch the bus.

She and the Lady boarded the bus together. The moment she exchanged a smile with her, she muttered to herself in sheer disappointment "Oh my God, I forgot the wallet in the cupboard and now I don't have any cash with me, what will I do now..?"

She, in a very embarrassing tone informed this to the lady who rplied promptly "Main deti na ticket ke paise {5 Rs}, kal tum de dena.. koi baat nahi"

She said to herself "Thankgod! but how could I be so stupid"
She got down at her stop, and the rickshaw-wala who used to take her daily to the hospital started his rickshaw. She slowly went towards the rickshaw and in a very low volume told him "Bhaiya, aaj mere paas paise nahi hai, main purse laana bhul gai"
In Mumbai people normally don't look at you and talk, they keep doing their work and talk to you. He said "Arrey madam, koi baat nahi, roz toh aate ko, kal de dena, 10Rs hi toh hai!"

This gave her a big sigh of relief! "Papa mamma were right.. there are good people and God sends them to you when you need them the most!" She got down from the rickshaw and before she could thank him, the rickshaw-wala was gone.

She reached the hospital, started the work, when her friends came, she also borrowed money from them for the day and told her how she reached the hospital. 
Something strange happened that day, she had applied since many days, to get her shifted to the other hospital of the same hospitality company. She got a letter to join the other hospital which was just in the opposite direction than the current one - the very next day. She thought .."How would I return their money" 

But there was no option. Next morning she left for some other hospital from some other stop, at a different time, with duty hours being approximately 12 hours! Now her route was different.. but everyday when she gave the money to the bus-conductor, she did think about the Lady and the rickshaw-wala
"They must be thinking, I just vanished"

Then after 1 month, due to some reasons, she shifted back to her hometown. But the 15 Rs borrowed that day are still a 'udhaar'  and she knows.. she will never be able to meet them or pay it back to them.

Its just 15 Rs, but the baggage of not returning the amount to the people who helped her at the time of need, is much more heavier than that!