
Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Hello all!

I am feeling delighted that finally My most awaited season of the year - Summers are here!!!

Was coming back home after some errand when I observed people washing their aangaan / verandaah and immediatly the thought popped up in mind.
Why not write something about the most discussed but often ignored thing!

Tips to save water

Herez what I do and I feel most of us can do..

1) DONOT keep the Tap open while brushing my teeth.

2) Keep a bucket full of water in the toilet rather than keeping tha tap constantly open. I refrain from using the flush because it uses up too much of water, and that doesnt make me feel good.
3) Use bucket filled with water instead of running on the Shower.

4) Instead of keeping the Pipe open for washing the car, I instruct my domestic help to take water in a bucket and use the same for cleaning the car

And Yes, that dirty water is used to water the plants outside home.

5) Instead of keeping the Pipe open to water the plants, Use a Bucket and a Mug.
This is a very good exercise too!

6) Keep a big vessel filled with water in the Kitchen to wash veggies and fruits and use the same to water plants.

7) The water remaining in the glasses after guests leave, goes to the indoor plants.

This is what I do to get a feel good factor - that I am doing my bit to save the most precious Liquid!
And Yes I teach the same to my Son.

¡Buena suerte! Siga haciendo sus esfuerzos para ahorrar agua!

(Good Luck! Keep doing your efforts to save Water!)


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