
Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Nice v/s Nasty

Came across this wonderful status message on Linkedin profile of a gentleman. And despite all of the important work that I was doing.. writing a blog article, thinking of a topic for an article for a newspaper in other state, listening to my favourite garba music, reading epapers, promoting my facebook pages etc.. I stopped.... I read the statement and re-read it many times.
I was stunned by the simplicity of the statement and bowled over by the profound meaning and relevance it holds!!

You don't need a reason to be nice, but You need a big excuse to be Nasty!

Sometimes simple things in life teach you a lot! A person needn't be a motivational speaker or trainer to motivate you with their words or statements or attitude towards life. At times your domestic help, a beggar on the road, a florist a passer-by anyone could motivate you and become your guide without them even being aware of it. 

As they say "Motivation is like bathing, it doesn't last long hence we recommend it daily".

No matter how many problems you have there is always a solution and no mater how bad a mood you are in - BE NICE! 
And I guess being nice to everyone eventually ends up in being Nice to yourself.. Or If we take it the reverse way, if we don't behave Nasty with anyone .. maybe we feel nice about it for our very own self.. our conscience!

I don't know how much this helped in making you feel good for the day.. for me - This statement is for sure going to be my status message for a long long time.

Přejeme Vám Radost
(Czech language)
which in English means - Wishing you a Happy You!

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